Impact Hackers
Make great social impact

Join our Hackathon on the 27th, 28th and 29th of September.

Spend a weekend of meaningful work with us to brighten the lives of kids in fostering environments

Isn't hacking illegal?

No, and you don’t even need
a technical background

Social hackathons often bring together people from diverse backgrounds, including designers, marketers, social workers, educators, and more. The focus is on creating innovative solutions to social issues, so having a variety of skills and perspectives is actually a huge advantage.
Here are some roles you might find at a social hackathon:

Project Managers :
To keep the team organized and on track.
Designers :
To create user-friendly interfaces and visuals.
Marketers :
To develop strategies for reaching the target audience.
Subject Matter Experts:
To provide insights into the social issues being addressed.
Developers :
To build the technical aspects of the solution, if needed
Your unique skills and experiences can contribute significantly to the success of the project. So, don’t hesitate to join in and make a difference!

What we work to solve

We are looking for a paradigm shift in foster care, aiming to select and train a new generation of foster families with humanitarian motivation, who are temporarily willing to take in children who are not living in a family environment. The goal is to change paradigms in policy formulation and work practices, increasingly oriented towards promoting quality of life. It is urgent to create conditions so that all children who need to be fostered are taken in by families.

AIPAR, Associação de Proteção à Rapariga e à Família, based in Faro, has been a Private Social Solidarity Institution since 1988. Its main aim is to support young girls and their families, including those in vulnerable situations due to violence or abandonment. Under its statutes, it can create services such as shelters, leisure activities, and promote meetings and seminars. Its mission is to protect and empower, regardless of the social, economic, ethnic, or religious status of the people it serves.

Solving the Foster Problem

Day 1 - Ideathon

  • 18:00- Check-In
  • 18:30- Presentation | Ice Breaker
  • 19:15- Problem Presentation
  • 19:40- Team Formation
  • 20:00- Dinner
  • 20:45- Ideathon
  • 00:00- Doors close

Day 2 - Hackathon

  • 08:00- Doors opening
  • 08:30- Breakfast
  • 11:50- Disrupt Meal
  • 12:20- Lunch
  • 19:15- Disrupt Meal
  • 19:30- Dinner
  • 00:00- Doors close

Day 3 - Hackathon/Pitch

  • 08:00- Doors opening
  • 08:30- Breakfast
  • 11:50- Disrupt Meal
  • 12:20- Lunch
  • 14:00- Final Submit
  • 15:00- Presentations
  • 16:00- Bye Party
  • 19:00- Enjoy rest of weekend

Food and drinks are on us !

Event Location

Address : University of the Algarve, Estr. da Penha, 8005-139 Faro

Ualg Tec Campus, Faro

Event Format

Impact Hackers Hackathon

A problem-solving event where volunteers collaborate to devise and implement TECH solutions for local not-for-profit organizations, allowing participants to connect with new communities and develop valuable skills products.


The social impact hackathon follows similar rules to a normal hackathon, but it is meant to be more collaborative, as the outcome is to output as many ideas with big potential as possible
Pitch your Ideas
After an icebreaker for participants to get familiar with each other, ideas are pitched
Build your Team
Teams are formed around the top ideas. We encourage multi-disciplinary teams and to have members that haven’t worked with each other before.
The Idea Bearer
Each idea that will be worked on needs to have a coordinator - The Idea Bearer. The Idea Bearer is responsible for providing 1-minute updates and to ensure the idea moves forward during the weekend
Submit your Idea Team
After a team is formed around an idea, it should submit it on the form.
Mentors will guide you
During the weekend, mentors are available to help guide the teams, both in the venue and online through discord. Mentors are experts in several areas and can help teams unblock any issues they have.
Disrupt Meals
Before each meal, the Idea Bearer should point out the Top 3 Needs on a post-it and stick it to the Needboard.
During the meal, members from different teams are encouraged to help another team on one of their needs. If the need is met, the post-it can be moved.
Sunday is the final day!
On Sunday after lunch, teams must submit their final project.
The final ideas will be presented by the facilitators, with the Idea Bearer (or another team member) on stage to answer any questions.
Idea Evaluation!
Each idea will be evaluated based on its long-term impact.
- Categories will be awarded on the ideas
- Fun prizes
- Chance for one mentorship session

Interested in fostering?


If you are interested in fostering kids and want to know more or how to get started please get in touch directly with AIPAR.

AIPAR, Associação de Proteção à Rapariga e à Família
[email protected]
+351 966 683 137

Meet our team

We’re a dynamic group of individuals who are passionate about what we do.

  • Priscila Sousa

    Priscila Sousa

    Psycologist at AIPAR

  • Priscila Sousa

    Karla Diniz

    Technical Coordinator at AIPAR

  • Patricia Nunes

    Patricia Nunes

    Social Worker at AIPAR

  • Rita Gonçalves

    Rita Gonçalves

    Executive Director at AIPAR

  • Vanessa Nascimento

    Vanessa Nascimento

    Mentor and Operations Architect and People Culture at Local.Foundation

  • Lenz Gschwendtner

    Lenz Gschwendtner

    Facilitator and Resident Community Builder at Local.Foundation

  • Penélope Gonçalves

    Penélope Gonçalves

    Facilitator and Unicorn Community Builder at Local.Foundation

  • Levin Gschwendtner

    Levin Gschwendtner

    Mentor and Lead Geek and Software Engineer at Local.Foundation

  • Cristina Tulcildas

    Cristina Tulcildas

    Mentor and PxDesigner and Festival Princess at Local.Foundation

  •  Sérgio Henriques

    Sérgio Henriques

    Head of Logistics and Software Engineer and Community Builderat Local.Foundation

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