Impact Hackers - 2024-09-27

Code of Conduct


A primary goal of this community is to be inclusive to all participants, coaches, mentors, sponsors, supervisors, and organizers with the most varied and diverse backgrounds possible. We are committed to providing a friendly, safe, and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and religion (or lack thereof).

This Code of Conduct outlines our expectations as well as the consequences for unacceptable behavior. It pertains to all participants in our community—online, at events, and in one-to-one communications during teamwork. We invite all those who participate to help us create a safe and positive experience for everyone.

Welcoming Environment

We encourage community members to create an open and welcoming environment by recognizing the relationship between our actions and their effects on others. Positive action is essential to counteract the many forms of inequality and abuses of power that exist in society. Discussions should focus on issues, ideas, and progress, never on the person.

Expected Behavior

  • Participate actively. Support the community’s health and longevity by being an active and engaged participant.
  • Exercise consideration and respect. Be mindful of your speech and actions, treating others with kindness and respect.
  • Attempt collaboration before conflict. Strive to work together and seek common ground before engaging in disagreement.
  • Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior. Ensure your words and actions contribute to a positive and inclusive environment.
  • Be mindful of your surroundings. Stay aware of the atmosphere and take care of your fellow participants.
  • Alert the Trust Committee if needed. Report any dangerous situations or breaches of this code, even if they seem minor.
  • Be respectful in shared spaces. Remember that event venues may also be shared with the public—treat everyone with courtesy.

Unacceptable Behavior

If you’re unsure if something is appropriate behavior, it probably isn’t. Each person defines their boundaries, and it’s your responsibility to respect them. The impact of your behavior matters more than intent, especially when in a position of power or privilege.

Examples of unacceptable behavior include:

Unacceptable Behavior

  • Negative or offensive remarks. Remarks related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, mental health, socioeconomic status, race, religion, or other personal characteristics are unacceptable.
  • Non-consensual physical contact. Touching people without their affirmative consent is strictly prohibited.
  • Sustained disruption. Disrupting meetings, talks, or other event activities continuously will not be tolerated.
  • Patronizing language. Passive-aggressive, intimidating, or condescending language is unacceptable.
  • Aggressive behavior. Including micro-aggressions, unconstructive criticism, and interruptions.
  • Misgendering. Using incorrect pronouns or intentionally misidentifying someone’s gender identity.
  • Inappropriate use of sexual content. Including sexual images, deliberate intimidation, stalking, or harassing photography or recording.

Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior

Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated. Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately. Organizers may take any action deemed appropriate, including temporary bans or permanent expulsion from the community.

If unacceptable behavior is reported, the organizing team will contact the individual responsible. Further violations will result in immediate removal from the community without further warnings.

If You Witness or Are Subject to Unacceptable Behavior

If you witness or are subjected to unacceptable behavior, notify a Trust Committee member as soon as possible. The Trust Committee is available to help community members engage with local law enforcement or provide support. In-person event organizers will also offer assistance as needed.


This Code of Conduct applies to all community participants, including contributors, sponsors, and guests. It covers all community venues—online and in-person—as well as one-to-one communications related to community activities.


To raise a concern or report a violation of this Code of Conduct, please contact a Trust Committee member.

Trust Committee

The Trust Committee is here to ensure everyone feels safe and supported. On an ad hoc basis, you may contact any committee member you feel comfortable with. They will listen, mediate, and keep your concerns anonymous unless otherwise agreed.

If your community has not designated specific Trust Committee members, the provides experienced members for you.


This Code of Conduct is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license and is based on the Citizen Code of Conduct, 18F Code of Conduct, and the Rails Girls Summer of Code - Code of Conduct.

© since 2023 LDA. All rights reserved.